Sex Blog Memes That Will Bring You Joy

16 September 2021

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Sex Blog Memes That Will Bring You Joy – We can say with 100% confidence that if you enjoy reading our sex toy blog, you’ll love reading some of the other fantastic sex blogs dotted around the internet. Great writers, photographers and sex toy reviewers add so much to the discussion around sex. Whether that’s great sex education, information about the latest sex toy releases, fabulously sexy images, or helping to combat sex stigma wherever they see it.

They’re also, naturally, often incredibly NSFW and very sexy indeed. So with that in mind (i.e. remember that many of the links below contain nudes and other things you shouldn’t click on at work!) we wanted to round up some of the best sex blog memes. You can follow them via the hashtags or on the blogs themselves, and monthly/weekly/annually get a dose of incredible sex education and smut.

Sinful Sunday

As the website explains clearly, Sinful Sunday is all about the image. For bloggers who participate this means it’s an excellent opportunity to brush up on their photography skills and get creative with erotic art. For voyeurs and curious readers, it means that once a week there’s a bank of beautiful, usually very body-positive sexiness for you to delve into.

There are usually at least thirty people participating each week, taking pictures of themselves looking sexy or something that caught their eye and turned them on. Once all the images have been collated, the curator Molly Moore invites someone each week to select their five favourites. What we like about Sinful Sunday is the positivity – there is something in every image to appreciate and admire, and those who join in are encouraged to go and leave compliments on other people’s work once they’ve submitted their own picture. If you love it, we’d urge you to leave comments too – the positive-feedback loop is no doubt one of the reasons why Sinful Sunday is such a popular blogging meme.

Masturbation Monday

Run by Kayla Lords, naturally Masturbation Monday has a special place in our hearts because… well… it’s all about writing something that makes people want to wank. We’ve joined in with Masturbation Monday before by posting sexy erotica that we hope will inspire you all to have some solo fun.

More recently, we sponsored an edition of Masturbation Monday – giving away a PULSE SOLO ESSENTIAL to encourage more people to join in. What can we say? Masturbation is our jam.

It’s easy to join in – you just write a post about masturbation so hot that it’ll get people masturbating, link back to Masturbation Monday, and then pop a link to your piece in the tool provided. Or if you’re shy, just head to the Masturbation Monday website and read all the brilliant stories that other people have written.

Wicked Wednesday

We’ve done words and pictures, but Wicked Wednesday combines the two – you can join in with the meme either with a piece of erotica (fiction or non-fiction), or if you prefer something more visual you can post a sexy image.

Like the first two memes, there are weekly prompts as well, so if you’re struggling to come up with ideas the host of this meme – Rebels Notes – will give you a line or two to inspire you. A very helpful way to get round writers’ block if you’re struggling for ideas!

Kink of the Week

What’s your kink? You might be surprised at the sheer range of kinks and turn-ons explored in Kink of the Week. In the last few months they’ve looked at everything from uniforms to analingus (rimming) as well as less-explored kinks like dancing and – our favourite – thunderstorms.

Once the topic has been set, bloggers get stuck in to writing their own posts about the turn-on. This might include their own personal experiences, sexy stories about times they explored it with a partner, or more discursive pieces about why this particular turn-on appeals.

You can find all the posts by clicking each topic on the site. And for those of you keen on tactile fabrics and being spanked through denim, you may want to begin with the current kink of the week – jeans.

Other hashtags and sex blog memes that will bring you joy…

There are plenty more brilliant sex blog memes and hashtags that you can explore to find great smut – the ones above are just a selection of our favourites. But over on Twitter if you dig into the sex education and sex blogging scene, you’ll find tags and topics like:

#MasturbationMay (or #MasturbationMonth) – an entire month to celebrate the art (and joy) of masturbation. Keep an eye on it for masturbation tips, sex education, and good old-fashioned filth.

#AdultSexEdMonth – hot on the heels of Masturbation May, it’s Adult Sex Ed Month in June. There will be plenty of experts offering tips and advice to those of you who felt let down by sex ed at school.

There’s also #SexNotStigma – a tag we started to highlight and tackle some of the stigma surrounding sex and masturbation. Join us there to fight assumptions, challenge prejudice, and share your favourite takedowns of sex shame.

Phew – that is a long and exhausting list! But hopefully there’s plenty there for you to explore – whether you’re after sex advice, masturbation tips, or just some erotic inspiration, sex bloggers have got you well and truly covered. And if you spot any other great memes, please do let us know in the comments!

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