Loss of Clitoral Orgasm
By Joan Price | 18 January 2022
"I’m 65 and have had difficulty with clitoral orgasms all my adult life, but in the last six to seven months, it’s become almost impossible. The pandemic is not an issue – if anything, we are more sexually active than usual. But I find orgasm very elusive these days. Is it age? Is that normal? Can I do anything about it?"
"I’ve experienced a loss of clitoral orgasm, what can I do?"
Joan answers:
It’s common for orgasms to become more elusive as we age, but with the right preparation and enough stimulation, we can be orgasmic lifelong. “Joan Price’s Ultimate Senior Sex Tips” offers easy ways to increase your arousal, and my books Naked at Our Age and The Ultimate Guide to Sex after 50 would be useful, too.
We often need more intense stimulation, and a strong vibrator can be your clitoris’s best friend. If you’re new to vibrators, read “How to Choose a Vibrator”. AMO and DiGiT are finger vibrators that you can easily incorporate into your usual sexual activity for extra clitoral sensation.
It’s worth getting checked out by your doctor in case your difficulty has a medical cause. Heart disease, diabetes, and some neurological conditions prevent the clitoris from attaining orgasm, as do side effects from some medications. I know it can be difficult to tell a doctor who’s half your age about your sexual problems, but it’s important.